The sith are back...? That just invalidated the first six movies, the whole premise of which preported to bring balance to the force by the distruction of the sith.
Kind of like when "new light" invalidates a century's worth of doctrine. . . .
the first trailer has been released!
true confession - i'm kind of a geek, always loved star wars and it gave me a bit of a lady boner.
anyone who knows the franchise is probably familiar with the character wedge antilles.
The sith are back...? That just invalidated the first six movies, the whole premise of which preported to bring balance to the force by the distruction of the sith.
Kind of like when "new light" invalidates a century's worth of doctrine. . . .
after a thorough investigation and weighing of the evidence the grand jury has decided not to indict the officer.. the reaction so far seems as predicted - people refuse to accept that the result represents justice despite claims that is what they wanted.. there is now violence and vandalism, including gunshots.
let's hope the police contain the troublemakers.. .
BTW can't disadvantaged people - black or white - ignore negative imagery? I mean, they're capable of independent thought, right?
Hell, even I can't ignore negative imagery. I keep looking at this thread!
the latest blast of "jehovah's trumpet" warns us about the irrational nature of common superstitions.... the article then goes on to provide counsel on the dangers of the domonic attacks that often result from unwisely purchasing second-hand objects.
the risk is demonstrated by recounting the real-life story of poor sister lemming and her new ministry bag.. genius satire as always!
please take some time to read the community comments.. .
As usual, an outstanding "blast" from Jehovahs Trumpet!
the first trailer has been released!
true confession - i'm kind of a geek, always loved star wars and it gave me a bit of a lady boner.
anyone who knows the franchise is probably familiar with the character wedge antilles.
I thought the trailer was fantastic. I think the new director will infuse some life into what became a moribund series over the past three movies.
Side Story:
I remember being a kid in the early 80s -- after Empire Strikes Back but before Jedi -- worrying terribly that ARMAGEDDON would come before Jedi was released!
And here I am, almost thirty years later awaiting the SEVENTH Star Wars movie. . . .
after a thorough investigation and weighing of the evidence the grand jury has decided not to indict the officer.. the reaction so far seems as predicted - people refuse to accept that the result represents justice despite claims that is what they wanted.. there is now violence and vandalism, including gunshots.
let's hope the police contain the troublemakers.. .
The divide here seems to be over this:
Certain people believe that "the system" is at least partly, if not fully to blame for this man's death, e.g. Why do people end up in these situations, and how can you prevent them from happening in the future?
Others think that this man's actions were reckless and he is to blame for his death.
I offer my final thoughts here:
So General Motors produces a bunch of cars with a defective "widget" inside.
On a certain percentage of these cars, the widget causes the gas tank to explode when the driver turns the key in the ignition.
Fred was one person who owned one of these cars with the defective widget. He got out of work one day, went to start his car, and it exploded, killing Fred.
Joe also drove one of these cars with the defective widget. And one day while he's pumping gas, he thinks to himself,"Damn, I want a cigarette!" Knowing full well that lighting up while pumping gas is a super dangerous thing to do, he says "Fuck it, I need a cigarette." He lights up, and the car explodes, killing Joe.
Why did Fred die? What caused this to happen? How could this death have been prevented?
Why did Joe die? What caused this to happen? How could this death have been prevented?
what is the focus for this one.
is it "well lads ring the legal department but if anything goes wrong, you are on your own.
the cs deals with all that".
There was no mention of tight pants, but NPGs (non practicing gays - I'd never heard the term before) were condemned - have to be transformed not just wear a mask. Wonder if they'll ever publish that one.
WHOOOAAAH! Wait a second! Back up there. . . . .
This was a "point" made at this "school"?
after a thorough investigation and weighing of the evidence the grand jury has decided not to indict the officer.. the reaction so far seems as predicted - people refuse to accept that the result represents justice despite claims that is what they wanted.. there is now violence and vandalism, including gunshots.
let's hope the police contain the troublemakers.. .
In other words, in day to day life, any decision you make, what causes you to make those decisions?
Ok, here's the problem with this.
You can't take sociological principles and apply them to any one individual in any one circumstance. Gets rather deterministic.
Can be quite absurd as well. As if you applied the statistic "Americans have 2.2 children per household" to your neighbor who has only two children, you could hardly describe them as below average.
And we could extend this to biology as well. What was this guy's brain chemistry at the time of the incident? Did he have low blood sugar? Maybe that was a factor in his decision as well.
[Note to self: dropped pronouns in this post. Strange. . . ]
people stay jehovah's witnesses for several reasons.
the foremost is because they are taught that they could cheat death and not have to die or even better yet not have to get old.
the second is they can see their dead relatives again , who have a direct pass to paradise, and that we must obey to get there to see them in the resurrection.
The only difference between this and a North Korean propaganda piece is that Kim Jon Whatever would be sitting on the throne.
My inlaws suddenly became interested in Roku. . .. I said you can watch the same thing on your computer.
They are thrilled that I saved them some money.
i work for a mental health unit with 2 police officers we deal with people who have drug and mental health issues.
at times over the last 10 years we have "taken down" some large drug affected men, mainly "ice" these days which is epidemic here, and let me tell you even with three of us it is a huge struggle.
sometimes back up is needed or mace spray which is aweful stuff!
I would like to see a non-lethal gun (maybe just an improved taser) replace the sidearms that U.S. cops carry currently.
I'm certainly not against this idea. I'm actually shocked something better hasn't been invented yet.